„Time to change“ Schüler und Schülerinnen richten Appell an Politiker
Als das Projekt vor drei Jahren in der Schule Talitha Kumi in der Nähe von Betlehem besprochen wurde, war Ruprecht Polenz, Bundestagsabgeordneter für Münster (CDU), zufällig in der Schule zu Besuch und bat um ein Exemplar, wenn das Buch fertig sei.
Jetzt haben ihm Salam Abumelesh, Elle Musleh und ihr Lehrer Siegfried Kremeyer von Talitha Kumi das Buch in Berlin überreicht.
"Ich freue mich sehr darüber," so Polenz.
Dies ist der Appell an Obama, Ban Ki-moon, Barroso, Hu Jintao und die anderen führenden Politiker:
“There is a war in the Holy Land.
There is a wall segregating people.
There is racism and discrimination.
Still, there is room for change.
I am a young Palestinian and want to be seen as an equal human being.
I have a dream for peace in this country based on justice and human rights.
I believe that freedom and independence will change my life.
You are a world leader, bearing responsibility for protecting human rights.
You know that peace in this region will bring hope and strengthen peace efforts
You have the power to change your words into actions that can bring freedom and independence to Palestine.
You and I are the same, we are one in dignity as humans.
Let us have a new beginning, focusing on the future and not the past.
Let us act non-violently to achieve peace and justice.
Let us change the world together.”